Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 3: Star Trek II- The Wrath of Khan (1982)

Director: Nicholas Meyer
Starring: William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley

I've always been a Star Wars guy, not a Star Trek guy. I think everyone is more one than the other. Growing up, I ate, breathed, and slept Star Wars. I've seen the original trilogy countless times. However, I can count the number of Star Trek episodes I've seen on two hands. Only recently have I begun to remedy my lack of Star Trek knowledge, watching episodes of the original series online. Seeing JJ Abrams' AMAZING new movie has only motivated me more.

This movie has a special place in the nerd culture canon. I've often been embarrassed to tell people that I hadn't seen it. I enjoyed watching it, though not nearly as much as I did watching this summer's blockbuster relaunch.

This is a classic revenge tale. The cast does a great job in this movie and the emotions really hit home. I was really devastated and touched by the last 20 minutes of this movie, even though my knowledge of the Star Trek universe is limited. The scenes on the bridge are all great, really building suspense.

The tag lines for the new movie include "this isn't your father's Star Trek". Wrath of Khan is absolutely your father's Star Trek. The pace is slow, the action is sparse, and the moral dilemmas are melodramatic. It's cornball in a very similar way to Return of the Jedi.

Also, X2 totally stole the ending.

Overall, an enjoyable movie. I can see why Trekkies love these guys so much. This movie continues the trend of good geek movie sequels that improve upon the first movie (X2, Dark Knight, Empire Strikes Back, Spiderman 2). Word of warning, though... beware 3rd movies in most geek series/trilogies. The drop in quality is inevitable (let's hope Chris Nolan breaks that curse).

Lesson learned: Revenge is really decent dish at any temperature.

P.S.- I really need to go back to see the new movie again. Lots of winks and references to this movie.

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