Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day 12: Happy-Go-Lucky (2008)

Director: Mike Leigh
Starring: Sally Hawkins, Eddie Marsan

This movie continues my quest to see last year's big award winners (Hawkins won a Golden Globe and was nominated for an Oscar). It turns out, though, that this quaint little British movie wasn't really my bag.

The movie follows the unrealistically optimistic Poppy who is learning to drive for the first time. The film focuses on her evolving relationship with her curmudgeon of a driving instructor, Scott. These are two polar opposites.

It's hard not to be annoyed with Poppy. Her mannerisms, attitude, and language all got on my nerves. I assume this is to be expected, but that initial annoyance never faded for me (maybe because I was very tired while watching it). Nothing really happens in this movie. The plot didn't hold my interest. I've found that it's very difficult to enjoy a "slice of life" movie when you don't care much for the main character.

I probably should have tried watching this another time. I was really exhausted and trying not to nod off during this one. I thought parts of the movie were heartwarming, but I just was not in the mood. Oh well.

Well, this may be my worst review yet. Sorry. I promise to not do this when I'm falling asleep anymore. You'll have to make your own opinion about this movie.

Lesson learned: Maybe sometimes the glass really is half empty.

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