Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What's up with all the kung fu?

I feel like I owe you readers an explanation for the inexcusable amount of boring kung fu movie reviews you've read in the last month. Watching these films has been the most enjoyable and exciting film experience I have had in a long time.

My twin brother and I started to get into kung fu movies when we were younger (not sure when...8th grade? 9th?). This was the antural extension of our childhood obsession with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It all started with Bruce Lee movies. We bought his entire collection and watched them repeatedly, especially Enter the Dragon and the Chinese Connection. These movies were perfect for teenage boys. Lee has an amazing amount of energy in his acting and his movies were exciting and totally cheesy (which we loved). From there it went to Drunken Master II, which blew my mind with its unique style and epic choreography.

The real interest in classic 70's/80's kung fu came from Kill Bill. I was a devoted Tarantino fan and really loved the style of the fight sequences. My favorite scene in the movies was the training sequence with Pai Mei. I loved how over the top everything was (costumes, sound effects, music, choreography). This led me to look up information on the Shaw Bros. Studios. The sad thing was that Cape Girardeau didn't have a single one of these movies to rent or buy. I had to settle with newer wire fu films like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and Hero (both of which I love).

I have now (thanks to Netflix and eBay) seen many of the classic Shaw Bros. films. I love them for their pure escapism. They are so different from every other type of movie I watch. I am enthralled with the meticulous fight choreography. Everything is dripping with cheesiness and I wouldn't have it any other way. These films take me back to my childhood. I would have LOVED these movies as a kid. They are black and white stories about beating up the bad guys and being cool.

You'll probably read more martial arts reviews from me soon. These films just take me back to simpler days. Who needs good acting, dialogue, or plot? I just want to see someone show off with a cool sword.

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