Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 59: Animal House (1978)

Animal House
Director: John Landis
Starring: John Belushi, Tom Hulce, Tim Matheson

People have been telling me that I need to see this movie for a long time. I'm pretty sure one of my uncles said that I needed to see this before college. My college career in no way resembled anything in this movie. I think this movie is actually partially responsible for why a lot of college kids annoy me. People want to have college memories like Animal House.

I said in my review for the Hangover, I expressed my distaste for Old School. Well, this movie is the father of that film. The Deltas are a crazy fraternity that is on probation for its bad behavior. Wild antics are abundant.

I don't want to sound like a boring fuddy-dud who hated the movie, because I actually kind of liked it. This may not be my sort of comedy because never in my life has an evening consisted of wild partying and property destruction. I also have an awful prejudice against Greek life on campuses (which is probably unfair). I still managed to find a lot of the film very very funny.

The cast was pretty good, with Belishi being the obvious highlight. I can't help but wonder how many great movies he would have made (Blues Brothers is a favorite of mine). His insane dimeanor and sheer goofiness is amazing to watch. This film also was the film debut of miss Karen Allen, who is cute as a button here (she will always have a special place in my heart). Also, Donald Sutherland as a hippy stoner English professor? You can't go wrong there.

Many of the gags were funny. I enjoyed my time with the Deltas because this flick was original for its time. Now that we also have Porky's, Revenge of the Nerds, and Wedding Crashers, this movie seems like old news. I can respect this for what it is: a crazy wild romp through the college days of other people. Too bad it influences idiots to this very day.

Lesson learned: It doesn't take a loaded gun to kill a horse.

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