Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 58: Bride Wars (2009)

Bride Wars
Director: Gary Winick
Starring: Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway

This is the scariest movie I've seen in a while. Ok, maybe not really, but it's hard to review a movie like this without being snooty. Kaylen was tired of all the kung fu movies so she hijacked my Netflix account and put this movie at the top (are you surprised that it wasn't my choice). I watch movies like this so rarely that this was actually an interesting experience for me. This movie was not trying to be smart, sophisticated, or innovative. It just wanted to entertain its target audience on a base level. Screw critics! Too bad I'm not a member of that target audience.

The film is a bout two formerly best friend bridezillas with competing weddings on the same day. Hilarity and insanity ensue.

This movie had two main characters we were supposed to identify with. The trouble is that I only liked Hathaway's character. Hathaway is a teacher, Hudson is a lawyer. Hathaway is nice and accomodating, Hudson is aggressive and controlling. Hathaway is a brunette, Hudson is a blonde. Also, I just find Hudson unlikeable in every movie except for Almost Famous (and let's be honest, that movie was all about Fugit and Crudup).

I am engaged and am in the beginning process of planning a wedding. I am so so so glad that it will be nothing like this movie. Kaylen is understanding and willing to compromise. This will be our wedding, not her wedding.

I would love to go on and on about how cliche the plot was, how lame the jokes were, and how insulting the characters were. The problem is, you would not be surprised. This movie was not made for people like me and it is not supposed to be a great piece of art.

Instead, I'll just say "meh".

Lesson learned: Weddings can bring out the worst in people.

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