Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 75: Julie and Julia (2009)

Julie and Julia
Director: Nora Ephron
Starring: Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci

This movie may have been a chick flick. I'm not sure. The fact that the director also did Sleepless in Seattle and You've Got Mail make me wonder. What I am sure of, though, is that I enjoyed this film. Also, it made me hungry.

The film is seem is based on two books. One is the autobiography of Julia Child, the woman who brought French cuisine into American homes. The other is a book by Julie Powell, a blogger who tries to bring change or meaning to her life by cooking all of Child's recipes in a year. The parallels between their lives are pretty thin, but are held together enough to make for a cohesive film.

I'm not very familiar with Julia Child, but Meryl Streep was very likable in this movie. She was charming, funny, fearless, and honest. Tucci was the perfect compliment for her, playing the super supportive husband.

I have always been an Amy Adams fan. She is very cute and charismatic. While Streep played a character to admire and laugh with, Adams played a character that we can identify with. She is lost in her life and wants some silly little project to fill her time and give her a sense of purpose. She starts a daunting blog project. I did the same thing with this blog. I really had no plans for the summer and wanted to goal to attain so my time didn't get wasted. The only bad part is that I'm getting no book deal and I don't get to eat delicious food every time I blog.

This movie was a delightful fun time. I love to eat and cook, so watching this was a great way to spend an afternoon.

If anyone would like to turn my blog into a book, just let me know. I promise to get better at posting every day!

Lesson learned: Butter makes everything taste good.

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